
Journal Articles

Berens, K., Anderson, S. F., Harvey, M. B., Chong, K., Connolly, D. A., Coburn, T., & Price, H. L. (2023). Categorizing complainant-accused relationships in cases of child sexual abuse: The distinctive nature of community connections. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 513-531.

Dykstra, V. D., Van der Kant, R., Keller, C. E., Bruer, K. C., Price, H. L., & Evans, A. D. (2023). The impact of the consistency of child witness and peer reports on credibility. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, 6601-6623.

Giesbrecht, C. J., Berens, K. A., Baker, M., Williams, S., Evans, A. D., Price, H. L., & Bruer, K. C. (2023). Working with child victims during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of child maltreatment investigators’ experiences. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 7, 91-110.

Dykstra, V. W., Harvey, M. B., Bruer, K., Price, H. L., & Evans, A. D. (2022). To disclose or not to disclose? The influence of disclosure recipient and consistency on perceptions of children’s credibility. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, NP16907–NP16930.

Harvey, M. B., Bruer, K., & Price, H. L. (2022). Perceptions of familiar and unfamiliar ear- and eye-witnesses. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 29, 395-412.

Price, H. L. & Kehn, A. (2022). Potential reporters of suspected child abuse are sensitive to the amount of evidence and the potential consequences of reporting. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, NP391-NP417.

Price, H. L. & Ornstein, P. A. (2022). The influence of prior knowledge on inexperienced interviewers’ questioning of children. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36, 758-766.

Price, H. L., Sykes Tottenham, L., Hatin, B., Fitzgerald, R. J., & Rubínová, E. (2022). Autonomic, hormonal, and subjective stress had no effect on identification accuracy in the laboratory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36, 191-202.

Williams, S., Bruer, K. C., Evans, A. D., & Price, H. L. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Child Maltreatment Workers. Children and Youth Services Review, 138, 106492.

Anderson, S. F., Patel, U., Harvey, M. B., Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2021). How do judges discuss memory failures in child sexual abuse cases? A brief report. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 30, 498-508.

Baker, M., Berens, K., Williams, S., Bruer, K., Evans, A. & Price, H. L. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on social work practice in Canada: A comparison of urban and rural contexts. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 16, 141-171.

Evans, A. D., Dykstra, V. W., Bruer, K. C., & Price, H. L. (2021). Lying to conceal a group transgression in middle- to late- childhood. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 67, 75-93.

 Price, H. L., & Evans, A. D. (2021). With support, children can accurately sequence within-event components. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 890-899.

Price, H. L., Evans, A. & Bruer, K. C. (2021). Transmission of children’s disclosures of a transgression from peers to adults. Applied Developmental Science, 25, 228-239.

Loucks, J., Blakley, T., & Price, H. L. (2020). Memory for temporal order in novel sequential action. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32, 382-390. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Bruer, K. C., & Atkins, M. C. (2020). Using machine learning analyses to explore relations between eyewitness lineup looking behaviors and suspect guilt. Law and Human Behavior, 44, 223-237. [PDF]

Coburn, P. I., Harvey, M. B., Anderson, S. F., Price, H. L., Chong, K., & Connolly, D. A. (2019). Boys abused in a community setting: An analysis of gender, relationship, and delayed prosecutions in cases of child sexual abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 28, 586-607. [PDF]

Evans, A. D., O’Connor, A. M., Bruer, K. C., & Price, H. L. (2019). Children who disclose a minor transgression often neglect disclosing secrecy and coaching. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 62, 199-204. [PDF]

Loucks, J. & Price, H. L. (2019). Memory for temporal order in action is slow developing, sensitive to deviant input, and supported by foundational cognitive processes. Developmental Psychology, 55, 263-273. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Harvey, M. B., Anderson, S. F., Chadwick, L., & Fitzgerald, R. J. (2019). Evidence for the live lineup superiority hypothesis among potential triers of fact. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34, 363-269. [PDF]

Woiwod, D. M., Fitzgerald, R. J., Sheahan, C. L., Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2019). A meta-analysis of differences in children’s memory for single and repeated events. Law and Human Behavior, 43, 99-116. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., & Valentine, T. (2018). Eyewitness identification: Live, photo, and video lineups. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24, 307-325. [PDF]

Brubacher, S. B., Roberts, K. P., Cooper, B. S., Price, H. L., Barry, L., & Vanderloon, M. (2018). A nationwide survey of child interviewing practices in Canada. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, 60, 34-68. [PDF]

Bruer, K., Harvey, M., Adams, A., & Price, H. L. (2017). Judicial discussion of eyewitness identification evidence. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 49, 209-220. [PDF]

Bruer, K., Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., & Sauer, J. (2017). How sure are you that this is the man? Using confidence judgments to identify a target with child eyewitnesses. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 541-545. [PDF]

Bruer, K., & Price, H. L. (2017). A repeated forced-choice lineup procedure provides suspect bias information with no cost to accuracy for older children and adults. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31, 448-466. [PDF]

Bruer, K., Price, H. L., & Dahl, L. C. (2017). When an alibi is not enough: Judgments of evidence needed to lay charges in burglary case. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 32, 94-104.

Price, H. L., & Dahl, L. C. (2017). Investigator sensitivity to alibi witness inconsistencies after a long delay. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 35, 60-74. [PDF]

Whiting, B. F., & Price, H. L. (2017). Practice narratives enhance children’s memory reports. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 23, 730-747. [PDF]

Bruer, K., Price, H. L., & Phenix T. L. (2016). The ”magical” effect of integration on autobiographical memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 591-599. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., Gordon, H. M., Woiwod, D., & Price, H. L. (2016). What children recall about a repeated event when one instance is different from the others. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1038-1051. [PDF]

Heidt, C. T., Arbuthnott, K. D., & Price, H. L. (2016). The effects of distributed learning on Enhanced Cognitive Interview training. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 23, 47-61. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Oriet, C., & Price, H. L. (2016). Change blindness and eyewitness identification: Effects on accuracy and confidence. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 21, 189-201. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Connolly, D. A., & Gordon, H. M. (2016). Children who experienced a repeated event only appear less accurate in a second interview than those who experienced a unique event. Law and Human Behavior, 40, 362-373. [PDF]

Price, H. L. & Fitzgerald, R. J. (2016). Face-off: A new identification procedure for child eyewitnesses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22, 366-380. [PDF]

Bruer, K., Fitzgerald, R. J., Therrien, N., & Price, H. L. (2015). Lineup member similarity influences the effectiveness of a salient rejection option for eyewitnesses. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 22, 124-133. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Oriet, C., & Price, H. L. (2015). Suspect-filler similarity in eyewitness lineups: A literature review and a novel manipulation. Law and Human Behavior, 39, 62-74. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J. & Price, H. L. (2015). Eyewitness identification across the lifespan: A meta-analysis of age differences. Psychological Bulletin, 141, 1228-1265. [PDF]

Price, H. L. & Phenix, T L. (2015). True (but not false) memories are subject to retrieval-induced forgetting in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 133, 1-15. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Whiting, B., Therrien, N., & Price, H. L. (2014). Lineup similarity effects on children’s eyewitness identification. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 409-418. [PDF]

Price, H. L. & Dahl, L. C. (2014). Order and strength matter for evaluation of alibi and eyewitness evidence. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 143-150. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., & Oriet, C. (2013). Intentionally forgetting other-race faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 19, 130-142. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., Oriet, C., & Charman, S. D. (2013). The effect of suspect-filler similarity on eyewitness identification decisions: A meta-analysis. Psychology, Public Policy, & Law, 19, 151-164. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2013). Suggestibility effects persist after one year in children who experienced a single or repeated event. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2, 89-94. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Roberts, K. P., & Collins, A. (2013). The quality of children’s allegations of abuse in investigative interviews containing practice narratives. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2, 1-6. [PDF]

Dahl, L. C., & Price, H. L. (2012). “He couldn’t have done it, he was with me!” The impact of alibi witness age and relationship. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 475-481. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2012). Anxious and non-anxious children’s face identification. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 585-593. [PDF]

Phenix, T. L., & Price, H. L. (2012). Applying retrieval-induced forgetting to children’s testimony. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 796-801. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, R. J., Oriet, C., & Price, H. L. (2011). Change detection inflates confidence on a subsequent recognition task. Memory, 19, 879-890. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Roberts, K. P. (2011). The effects of an intensive training and feedback program on police and social workers’ investigative interviews of children. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 43, 235-244. [PDF]

Rischke, A. E., Roberts, K. P., & Price, H. L. (2011). Using spaced learning principles to translate knowledge into behavior: Evidence from investigative interviews of alleged child abuse victims. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 26, 58-67. [PDF]

Schneider, L., Price, H. L., Roberts, K. P., & Hedrick, A. H. (2011). Children’s episodic and generic reports of alleged abuse. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 862-870. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., Price, H. L., & Gordon, H. M. (2010). Judicial decision-making in timely and delayed prosecutions of child sexual abuse in Canada: A study of honesty and cognitive ability in assessments of credibility. Psychology, Public Policy & Law, 16, 177-199. [PDF]

Evans, A. D., Roberts, K. P., Price, H. L., & Stefek, C. P. (2010). The use of paraphrasing in investigative interviews. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34, 585-592. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., Price, H. L., & Gordon, H. M. (2009). Judging the credibility of historic child sexual abuse complainants: How judges describe their decisions. Psychology, Public Policy, & Law, 15, 102-123. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Lee, Z., & Read, J. D. (2009). Memory for committing a crime: Effects of arousal, proximity, and gender. American Journal of Psychology, 122, 75-88. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., Price, H. L., Lavoie, J. A. A., & Gordon, H. M. (2008). Perceptions and predictors of children’s credibility of a unique event and an instance of a repeated event. Law and Human Behavior, 32, 92-112. [PDF]

Desmarais, S. L, Price, H. L., & Read, J. D. (2008). “Objection Your Honor! Television is not the relevant authority.” Crime drama portrayals of eyewitness issues. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 14, 225-243. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2008). Children’s recall of emotionally arousing, repeated events: A review and call for further investigation. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31, 337-346. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2007). Anxious and non-anxious children’s reports of a repeated or unique event. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 98, 94-112. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Roberts, K. P. (2007). A practical guide to interviewing child witnesses. Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services, 5, 152-160. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., & Price, H. L. (2006). Children’s suggestibility for an instance of a repeated event versus a unique event: The effect of degree of association between variable options. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 93, 207-223. [PDF]

Connolly, D. A., Price, H. L., & Read, J. D. (2006). Predicting expert social science testimony in criminal prosecutions of historic child sexual abuse. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 11, 55-74. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2006). BatMon II: Children’s category norms for 33 categories. Behavior Research Methods, 38, 529-531. [PDF]

Price, H. L., Connolly, D. A., & Gordon, H. M. (2006). Children’s memory for complex autobiographical events: Does spacing of repeated instances matter? Memory, 14, 977-989. [PDF]

Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2004). Event frequency and children’s suggestibility: A study of cued recall responses. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18, 809-821. [PDF]

Book Chapters

Price, H. L., Kehn, A., Sorby, M., Harvey, M. B., Cops, M., & Klassen, N. (2022). Child alibi corroborators. In J. Behl & M. Kienzle (Eds.), Alibis and corroborators: Psychological, criminological, and legal perspectives (pp. 87-102). New York: Springer.

Price, H. L. & Connolly, D. A. (2021). Children’s memory for instances of repeated events: Applications to the experience of child victims and witnesses. In D. F. Bjorklund, L. Baker-Ward, & J. Coffman (Eds.), The development of children’s memory: The scientific contributions of Peter A. Ornstein (pp. 115-131). Cambridge University Press.

Brubacher, S. P., Bala, N. C., Roberts, K. P., & Price, H. L. (2016). Investigative interviewing of witnesses and victims and Canada. In D. Walsh, G. Oxburgh, A. Redlich, & T. Myklebust (Eds.), Contemporary developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: International perspectives (pp. 245-255). New York: Routledge.

Duke, M. C., Uhl, E., Price, H. L., & Woods, J. M. (2015). Avoiding problems in child abuse investigations and interviews. In M. Fanetti & W. O’Donohue (Eds.), Forensic interviews regarding child sexual abuse – A guide to evidence-based practice (pp. 219-236). New York: Springer.

Connolly, D. A., & Price, H. L. (2013). Repeated interviews about repeated trauma from the distant past: A case study. In B. Cooper, M. Ternes, & D. Griesel (Eds.), Applied issues in investigative interviewing, eyewitness memory, and credibility assessment (pp. 191-220). New York: Springer.

Roberts, K. P., Brubacher, S. P., Powell, M. B., & Price, H. L. (2011). Practice narratives. In M. E. Lamb, D. La Rooy, C. Katz, & L. Malloy (Eds.), Children’s testimony: A handbook of psychological research and forensic practice (pp. 129-145). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.